Frequently Asked Questions
We have tried to cover most queries here. However, if you can’t find the answer to your questions below – please email us -
We currently have FREE shipping for all orders.
Yes, you can avail the Cash On Delivery (COD) option for order value between Rs. 500 and Rs. 5000. We charge Rs. 30 for all Cash On Delivery (COD) orders.
We hope you do not have to bother with this. Since most products are made-to-order, we do not accept return/refund/exchange unless the product is damaged. For more, refer to our policy here.
Transit and delivery time may vary depending on your location and the ordered items. Generally we dispatch the products within 2 working days from our warehouse in Gurugram. The shipping could take 2-7 days depending on the delivery location.
For any changes to the order, please send us an email at mentioning your order number. We will try to accommodate your request if your order is not already dispatched. We do not accept cancellations.
If you wish to cancel your order, you must reach out to us within 12 hours of placing the order. In case the order is already dispatched, we would not be able to process any cancellation. In case of cancellation, a nominal fee of 5% will be deductedfrom the refund amount as processing charges.
An email is sent to you after the order is shipped. It contains the tracking number and details of the service provider. If you are having any or if you haven't received any updates, please get in touch with us via email - or Whatsapp us at +918929726211
We currently ship only Pan India.
Yes, we can! While placing your order, add a remark in the order notes or inform us via email - or Whatsapp +918929726211.
Return & Exchange
We hope you do not have to bother with this. Since most products are made-to-order, we do not accept return/refund/exchange unless the product is damaged. For more, refer to our policy here.
Please do not worry! Please write to us at with your order number and photos of the issue, within 48 hours of order delivery. We will arrange for a reverse pick-up and send you a replacement once we receive the item. For more, refer to our policy here.
Talk To Us
You can reach our customer support team via email
You can reach our customer support team via Whatsapp +919829726211
You can place bulk orders by contacting us via or Whatsapp +918929726211.
Yes, we would be open to exploring customisation options.
Currently, we operate solely through our online platform and do not have physical stores.
We would like to know more about your store and discuss this further with you. Kindly connect with us via or Whatsapp +918929726211.